This video is my tribute to Cardi B for a moment in time she had passed through my life before she had made a day to start with all my musical background and responsible for being behind the scenes of such artist like Anita Baker Phil Collins Eric Clapton Chasey Chapman and many others meeting Cardi B in the journey she travel to get to where she is now makes her extraordinary and unique but she stands out among all the other people I’ve met in my life in the music entertainment industry check out my video in my story as I expressed my love but artist is still true to the heart and humble please like subscribe hit the notification bell so you never ever miss a video watch the entire video check out my song is all about the love. Please give me 15 viral #InReferenceToCardiBInThisFormat #Name #Name #NameThat’sJustAnExampleToShowYouThatINeededToBeSide-by-sideWithNoNumberOrBulletOnTheLeftSideGiveMe28VideoTagsInthis format name, name, name, demonstrating that he could be side-by-side but known number or bullet on the left side because if there is it will interfere with a copy and paste please give me an exciting awesome exciting titles that would complement the description Cardi B’s encounter with International recording on his martial arts champ Joel Crafton.

Check out this video:

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